Машинка ручка - GOOCHIE(2011-5)


Скорость: до 27 000 ударов в минуту
В комплект входит:
машинка - ручка
блок питания
2 шт. игл
2 шт. наконечников
1 шт. - краска Goochie
1 шт. - обезбаливающий гель
2 шт. - кольцо для пигмента
Newest Permanent Makeup Machine Features:
1.Adopt with pure metal shell technics,space silver color,never get abrasion, prevent fading.
2.With excellent speed adjustment, according to different operation to achieve to the perfect Rotationl Speed, the highest could get to 27000r/min.
3.With orginal motor from Germany, the advantage is powerful,never get abrasion,using time is as twice as normal permanent makeup machines.
4.With low noise processing technics,there is not any general level of noise, which does not bring fear to customers during the operation
5.Adjust needle length exactly, perfect to control out of needle length.0.5mm~2mm available. To prevent the beginners to do the permanent makeup operation too deep,it's safety meet professional standards,is the only one on market in china.
6.Specification of needles:0.35mm X 49mm, equip with needles size: Single, Round 3, Round 5, Round 7, Flat 3, Flat 5 and Flat 7. According to different operation to change ideal needle, all needles are with strict sterile processing , achieve disposable health standard.
7.All parts adopt with disposable processing. Plastic head, needle cap and grip can be disposable to achieve International Health Standard. All parts are on sell.(Mainly to Top Beauty Salon and orthopedic hospital, prevent cross-infection,the safety can let clients not worried.)
8.Needle point with the process of preventing ink regorging. During the operation,you won't face ink regorge.Prevent ink pollution and cross-contamination.
9.Voltage of power supply is 110v ~230v.International General.
10.We also provide OEM&ODM.

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